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1.1 Introduction:

            A valve is a mechanical device, Which is used to Isolate and control the flow of fluid and pressure within a system or process.

                Valves are installed on equipment/piping to perform any one of the following functions.

The design of the valves are done in such a way as to perform any of the above functions. The type of valves used can be classified in the following categories.

1.1.1         Isolation

i.                     Gate Valves

ii.                   Ball valves

iii.                 Plug Valves

iv.                 Piston Valves

v.                   Diaphragm Valves

vi.                 Butterfly Valves

vii.                Pinch Valves


1.1.2         Regulation

i.                     Gate Valves

ii.                   Needle Valves

iii.                 Butterfly Valves

iv.                 Diaphragm Valves

v.                   Piston Valves

vi.                 Pinch Valves


1.1.3         Non-Return

i.                     Check Valves


1.1.4          Special Purpose

                         i.                   Multi-Port Valves

                       ii.                   Flush Bottom Valves

                      iii.                   Float Valves

                      iv.                   Foot Valves

                       v.                    Line Blind Valves

                      vi.                   Knife Gate Valves





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